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Isotropic Superfinishing

Services & Processing

Foto Isotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
FotoIsotropic Superfinishing
Two parts that rub each other in an engine of a motorcycle, for example the camshafts, gear wheels, shift shafts and various other gears produce friction and heat due to the roughness of the surfaces.

With the ISF process a surface with a very low roughness is generated, in fact the isotropic surface allows to obtain surfaces with roughness lower than 10 thousandths of micron (nanometers) and a non-oriented surface texture.

Conventional vibrating equipment is used in combination with non-abrasive solutions and accelerating refining chemicals that are safe and environmentally friendly.

The process is complex and is carried out in aqueous solution and therefore the pieces they do not undergo alterations due to overheating, preserving the tolerances.

An ISF surface reduces friction and wear, increases the life of parts and improves their corrosion resistance. The process is mainly used in motorsport, which is why we offer it to our customers.

We perform this treatment directly in Kbike workshops with our own machinery and we use the same technique used on components for competitive use worldwide, so we are able to offer the highest quality and potential from the piece that is given to us.

What can you expect after the ISF?

Reduced contact fatigue
Increased power density
Lower lubrication requirements and costs
Lower operating temperatures
Reduced vibrations and noises
Wear of the parts much lower
Greater output power
Reduced fuel consumption
No pitting on the gears
Longevity of the parts
Less maintenance costs
No shrinking of the gears
Better aesthetics
In order to perform this treatment with the engine parts, please send us an email to this address sending us the images the exact number and weight of the parts you send us, in this way we will be able to inform you in advance on costs.

We ship worldwide


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